Refunds & Exchanges

Ticket refunds

Refunds are not available after a purchase has been confirmed except as outlined in these terms and conditions or if required by law.

Circumstances under which you are entitled to a refund include:

  • If we cancel an event

  • If we reschedule an event to a time more than two hours earlier or later than originally programmed and you cannot or do not wish to attend

  • If we issue a ticket to you by mistake

  • If you believe an event you attended was not provided as advertised and request a refund, we will consider but are not obliged to grant your request.

In the event a refund is granted we will retain any fee we have charged, to the extent permitted by law.

Unless required by law we will not be liable for auxiliary expenses (e.g. cost of travel or parking) incurred in connection with your attendance or non-attendance at an event, including if the event is cancelled or rescheduled.

Any refund payable will be made to the original purchaser, and where practical to the original form of payment.

If you purchased your ticket from another authorised ticket seller, you should apply to them for your refund. Refunds will not be issued for tickets purchased from an unauthorised seller or a reseller.

Ticket exchanges

Exchanges may be granted at our discretion and will in most instances incur a $5 exchange fee.

Exchanges are available until two hours before an event. Seat placement may differ if your tickets are exchanged into another performance. Exchanges are unable to be offered within 2 hours before your event or after your event has commenced.

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